Monday, 23 September 2013

What is suspense?

Suspense is a feeling of excitement or anxiousness that a film can create through a variety of techniques, these include: the story, title, characters, plot line, time restrictions and word choice. For example; if the plot involves a character that is trying to reach safety within a certain time restriction, with an obstacle in their path, then a suspense device has been used.

High quality films contain elements of suspense, as the audience needs to be excited and uncertain as to what will happen next. The objective viewpoint can be used to build suspense, as it can alter the way in which the story is told (through what the character says and does, instead of the thoughts and feels that the character has.) The character in question may have a secret that affects the outcome of the story; however, by the audience unaware of this secret until later on in the film or literature.

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