The worms eye view style of image represents how small the audience and characters are compared to the world. The clouds at the bottom of the image appear calm and peaceful; whereas, at the top a storm is forming and destruction will occur.
The Title stands out, as it is in a bold 3D font, this is to tell the audience what film they are watching.
The Birds eye view style image suggests a clear separation of power: the dog has very little, as it is been looked down on.
Animals are used in horror films to introduce a sense of realism, (if you go to a park, you will most likely see a dog) by using this technique the audience will find the film more horrifying, as they react to the events as though they are documented from a real life event. Diegetic sound can be heard, this includes; birds chirping, the dogs panting and other sounds that can typically be heard in an open area like the one shown in 'The Happening'.
The image to the left depicts the people at the park
The various people placed in the image represent; different social classes, races and ages of people in society. They are each standing stationary facing different directions to create a noticeable change in the norm (people are usually busily walking about, but not any more), thus suggesting that something is not right. All sound ceases, immediately signalling to the audience that something unusual is taking place, this is because people are used to open areas, as shown in the film, are usually bustling and full of diegetic sound. The audience will be intrigued by the lack of sound and so an element of horror is introduced.
The slight lowered eyebrow and drooped mouth of the woman suggests that she is confused. The look in her eyes further this idea, as they are fixed forwards in a slightly more closed position than ordinary. The close up of the females expression is used to suggest that there is something not quite right with the situation and an element of suspicion is introduced. Dialogue is used to replace other sounds, this keeps the tempo of the film up. The woman's confusion confuses the audience and as the two females are the only people moving and talking, they are singled out as important.
The image to the left shows a woman take an accessory out of her hair
The audience will be curious as to why she is so violently taking the accessory out of her neatly tied bun.The tight grip that the woman has on the metal accessory is also suspicious and suggests that she is dangerous, a theme of violence has now been introduced.
The image to the right shows the blonde woman from the previous two images stabbing herself
Blood and gore is introduced when the woman metal accessory is being slowly pushed into her neck. The audience will be shocked be the surprising self-harming and will quickly realise that the film will involve gruesome scenes, with surprising events. As the chopstick is inserted into the woman's neck a sound effect can be heard, the action of sticking the chopstick in the woman's neck will surprise the audience, as it is unexpected, whilst the sound effect will make the audience recoil in horror.
Clear understanding of the use of the camera in horror but lacking detail on any other aspect e.g sound, editing, mise en scene.