Monday, 23 September 2013

Film Genres

"Genres do not consist only of films. They consist also, and equally, of specific systems of expectation and hypothesis which spectators bring with them to the cinema, and which interact with the films themselves during the course of the viewing process. These systems provide spectators with the means of recognition and understanding." - Steve Neale (1990)In my opinion, the quote above sums up film genres and why they are important, as for each genre the audience has different expectations of what they are about to see. For example, if a horror movie did not have any screaming, violence or any other horror film convention, it is likely that the film would not be very popular.


A fast paced, adrenaline filled, high tension film that usually includes a hero that has been thrown into a series of challenges that include; physical violence, fight scenes and frantic chases. An example of this would be 'James Bond'


A group of characters or singular character go on a journey; either, a quest of some sorts to resolve or find something, they embark on a treasure hunt or heroic unknown journeys. Adventure films are usually set in a time period or land that alternates from the world that we live in and may even include adapted stories of historical or fictional adventure heroes or events, these include; kings, battles, rebellions or piracy. 

The example I have used to the right is from 'The Hobbit'


A motion picture consisting of a photographed series of drawings, objects of computer graphics that work as a moving image by recording very slight, continuous changes in the images, frame by frame. Animations are well known for being targeted at children;however, recently there have been films catering for a wider range of ages.

  An example of this would be 'UP'


cartoons, much like animations are targeted towards child viewing, they are built of a series of colourful drawings, that are unrealistic; however, contain realistic scenes and plot lines.
The example I have used to the right is 'Scooby doo'


A classic film is one that has been filmed in black and white and has no sound, this genre was used in the early stages of the film, as technology had not quite developed yet. Nowadays, silent, black and white films are rarely used, this is because the special effects and technology ideas have developed greatly. Many people dislike classic films, as they believe them to be poorly made and without sound; however, I believe that the lack of sound can add an element of suspense to a film, the music usually suggests what will happen next, without music, you do not know.

An example of the most famous actor of this genre is Charlie Chaplin


A film that aims to be humorous and amuse the audience by creating comical scenes. These films are designed to entertain the audience through amusing them, and often include exaggerated characteristics of real life for humorous effect. Films in this style traditionally have a happy ending.

The example I have used to the right is 'The Hangover'

Historical Drama

The historical drama is a film genre which is based around historical events and famous people, it may be exaggerated, but the key ideas will be from history. Some historical dramas are docudramas, which attempt to create an accurate portrayal of a historical even or biography, to the extent that the available historical research will allow. 

The example I have used to the left is 'Les Miserables'


Fantasy films have fantasy themes, usually involving magic, supernatural events, imaginary creatures or exotic fantasy worlds. The genre is distinctly different from science fiction films and horror films, as although the genres do overlap, fantasy films often have elements of magic, myths, wonder, escapism and extraordinary lands that are unlike earth.

The example I have used to the right is from 'Avatar'


Horror films often deal with the audiences nightmares, hidden fears, revulsions and terror of the unknown. Plots within the horror genre often involve the intrusion of an evil force, event, or personage, commonly of supernatural origin, into the everyday world. Horror films usually have elements that include: ghosts, aliens, vampires, werewolves, demons, vicious animals, monsters, zombies, cannibals and serial killers.

The example I have used to the left is 'The cabin in the woods'

Different forms of horror are: 

  • Slasher 
  • Stalker
  • Thriller/Action/Adventure
  • psychological
  • Paranormal (vampire/werewolf
  • Torture 
  • Exploitation
  • Splatter
  • Science Fiction (aliens)
  • Creature/monster


A Japanese style of motion-picture animation, characterized by highly stylized, colourful art, futuristic settings, violence, and sexuality. Anime is as unlike most American cartoons, the differences show up in many ways, these include:

·         The Artwork. Anime art styles range from the flamboyant and outlandish to the simple and colourless.
·         Storytelling. Anime doesn't shy away from epic storylines, which can run for dozens (sometimes hundreds) of episodes. The best anime, though, no matter what their length, all demand great emotional involvement from the viewer.
·        Subjects of material. The sheer range of anime shows out there means a viewer of most any other kind of TV or movies can find an anime series that reflects their interests: romantic comedy, CSI-style crimefighting, female empowerment and adaptations of classic literature.·         Cultural. Japan's history, language and worldview are inserted into a great deal of anime, Some shows use Japanese history or mythology for story ideas

The example I have used to the left is 'Totoro'


A film with romance in has a strong theme of love, there is always two or more characters that are designed to fall in love with each other by the end of the film. The characters usually encounter difficulties before they are matched with their true love; however there is almost always a happy ending. These films are sometimes called "chicklicks" and are primarily aimed at women. 

The example I have used to the right is from 'Pride and  Prejudice'


Science fiction film use: speculative, science-based depictions of phenomena that are not necessarily accepted by mainstream science, such as extraterrestrial beings-aliens, worlds, extrasensory perception and time travel, often along with futuristic elements such as spacecraft  robots, cyborgs, interstellar space travel or other technologies. Science fiction films have often been used to focus on political or social issues, and to explore philosophical issue.

The example I have shown to the right is 'Star Wars'


A thriller provides the sudden rush of emotions, excitement, and exhilaration that drive the narrative, sometimes subtly with peaks and lulls, sometimes at a constant, breakneck pace thrills. It keeps the audience cliff-hanging at the "edge of their seats" as the plot builds towards a climax. Literary devices, such as red herrings, plot twists and cliffhangers are used extensively. A thriller is usually a villain-driven plot, whereby he or she presents obstacles that the protagonist must overcome.

The example I have used is from 'The black swan'


War films are concerned with warfare, usually about naval, air or land battles, sometimes focusing instead on prisoners of war, covert operations, military training or other related subjects. At times war films focus on daily military or civilian life in wartime without depicting battles. Their stories may be fiction, based on history, docudrama, biographical  or even alternate history fiction.
The term anti-war film is sometimes used to describe films which bring to the viewer the pain and horror of war, often from a political or ideological perspective.

The example I have used to the right is 'The last samurai'

1 comment:

  1. Very good commentary on film genres with particular examples and showing a good grasp of technology in embedding the video clips.
