Monday, 14 April 2014

Question 3: What kind of media institution might distribute your film?

The institution will be an important factor as to whether the film will be successful and how much money it will make. A good institution will be recognisable to the audience and may draw in viewers thus increasing the profit of the film. However, I had to be realistic when choosing my institution, this is because my film is only small budget, so I needed to choose a relatively small institution to distribute my film.

I will use be using 'Filmdistrict' Film company to distribute my horror film, because it is small and welcomes small films it has also distributed relatively big budget, well known films, such as; insidious - a horror film that gave me the ideas for my horror film. As 'Filmdistrict' distributed insidious it may be well known to potential viewers, they may see the institution and link it to insidious, instantly having high expectations for my film and potentially making them more likely to watch it. Alongside Insidious 'Filmdistrict' has distributed a couple of other big films, these include; 'olympus' has fallen' and 'dead man down', both films of the horror genre.

To produce and make my film I would apply for a BFI Film Fund..

This would mean that I would be able to re-film with a higher budget and therefore draw in more customers and gain a higher profit.

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