Saturday, 16 November 2013

Horror Opening - Title font

The font above looks as though it has been written by a child and so, is perfect for my film, this is because the main character is a child. This creates the idea of innocence, jarring with                                                                             the horror genre of the film.

The font above looks childlike; however, has a more chilling effect. The sketched nature of the font makes it appear more sinister and gives the audience the idea that there is more to the film than meets the eye, there is an underlying tone of darkness.

I will be using the font above in my film, because it is sketched making it sinister. The lines are not straight and the shading is unequal giving a slight childlike idea to the title. Finally, where the letters fade out, give the illusion that something is not complete and gives the impression that something is missing, this ties in with my film, as the villain is an 'imaginary friend'.

I have found it extremely difficult to use these titles on my film as I am unsure as to how to edit the image in, instead I have used the chalk font with a typewriter effect.

1 comment:

  1. A superb blog showing a real willingness to go just that little bit further. Some wonderful work and much of it showing excellent levels of skill.
